In their own words, an introduction to Naima Bond and Tammi Williams.

Hello! My name is Naima Bond. I was born and raised in Chicago, IL and currently live here as well. I have always been drawn to fine art, and feel fortunate that my artistic creativity was nurtured by my family. My maternal aunt taught me how to crochet when I was very young, and my mother taught me the basics of sewing around the same time.
I learned how to dye yarn in 2020, right before Chicago went on lockdown due to COVID-19, this past March. I opened my online shop shortly afterwards.
I seek to provide my customers with high quality affordable yarn, crafts and fine art filled with vibrant color and eclectic details.
My favorite food is the flavorful Thai coconut soup,Tom Kha.
My favorite drink is hot coffee with a good splash of oat milk.
My favorite craft is crochet.
Inspirational quote:
" All History is current; all injustice continues on some level, somewhere in the world"- Alice Walker

Tammi Williams started sewing and knitting in the early 2000s out of a restless longing to create. After admiring a guy's scarf at a house party and hearing that he'd knit the scarf himself, she knew she had to learn. A born and raised New Yorker, she found herself enrolling in many fiber related classes across the city and discovered her passion. She's picked other fiber habits since then, including weaving, spinning, and dyeing.
The original idea for yarn&whiskey was born out of Tammi's dream of owning a bar with a yarn shop attached, hence the name yarn&whiskey. One day, she hopes to turn a version of this vision into reality, but the brand and website officially launched in January 2020. As an avid collector of African print fabric and clothing, Tammi began to develop a line of project bags for discerning crafters using these prints. "African prints make me feel elegant and fierce. To me, these prints are finery. They are spirit boosting. I wanted to make bags that spark that same feeling of elegance, pride, and fearlessness in others," she says.
Tammi hopes to give her customers lots of color, print, simple functionality, and a way to express themselves. yarn&whiskey bags are for people who appreciate handcrafted products, who never met a color they couldn't rock, and who stroll through life to their own soulful soundtrack.
Fav food: Chocolate chip cookies
Fav Drink : Bourbon
Fav craft: I go through phases. Sometimes it's knitting, sometimes it's weaving, sometimes it's spinning. I'm in a knitting/spinning phase at the moment.
A quote that inspires you
"You wanna fly, you got to give up the shit that weighs you down." From Toni Morrison's novel, Song of Solomon